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Sawyer Robot showcases precision

Published In: News Created Date: 2016-11-03

View Sawyer Robot tending machines at FoodTech exhibition held in New Zealand. 

John Brooks partnered with Codemark at New Zealands Food Tech PackTech expo held in Auckland showgrounds. The Sawyer Collaborative Robot worked continously through out the three days without taking a break by showcasing Code Marks Labelling machine and Laser Barcode machine. The precision of the Saywer robot to 0.1mm accuracy allowed the labels to be placed over the top of each other each and every time. 

This demostration was 'taught' to Sawyer in under 20min by moving the collaborative robot's arm through the series of steps. Sawyer robot requires no safety cages,  the ease of setting up collaborative robots at your workplace is now more then ever easier. Remove the mundane and repetitve tasks with the Sawyer Robot.

Contact John Brooks so we can talk to you about your requirements, we can set up a Proof of concept of the tasks you require to be automated and see if Sawyer is right for your business. 


Tags: Sawyer Robot