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Video - Introducing Generation 3 RPM AC Motors

Transcript: Today we are discussing the RPM AC Generation 3 motors offered by John Brooks. 

The RPM AC Gen 3 motor is the ultimate in power output to reduce frame size, where every aspect of the motor has been scrutinised and refined to produce a direct replacement to the DC motor and control application, or fitting into a small, confined space but still giving you the power output needed.

RPM AC offers a power-dense laminated steel frame with custom power and speed ratings to match demanding variable speed application requirements. The motor is up to 3 times smaller than a standard IE 3 motor frame.

The Laminations form the motor body allowing a larger rotor to produce torque in the smaller frame. The square configuration packs up to 20% more active material into the same space as the round frame of
equivalent shaft height.

Optimal pole technology at the time of manufacture gives you any base speed to suit your application.


  • Match speed and torque to the load
  • No amp penalty due to high power factor of four pole design
  • Low noise with a continuous fan cooling
  • High efficiency and full load power factor at lower amperage
  • A lighter motor weight as no external Cast iron frame

This is truly a feature-rich motor design which includes

  • Square Laminated frame for Torque density and DC retrofits
  • QR code on the name plate – for Product specifications, drawings and performance details
  • Large easy to wire Terminal box
  • Corona Free insulation with optional VPI
  • Shaft grounding brush to increase bearing life
  • Positive Lubrication system
  • ABB Smart sensor monitoring mounting plate for wireless condition monitoring and preventative maintenance to increase uptime
  • 2 Rotor designs, induction and Internal Permanent magnet

Whether your application is chemical, oil and gas, cooling towers, extruder, elevators, or DC to AC conversion, contact your local branch and a John Brooks representative will be in contact to discuss your needs and requirements.